*COMING SOON* Art in the Park - Free Festival

When: 10:00 - 4:00 Wednesday 29th October

Where: Victoria Park & The Burton Art Gallery, Bideford

What: A day full of fun and free workshops for all ages and abilities! Explore working with natural pigments and processes similar to Richard Long's - perfect for GCSE and A-level students as the artists running the workshops are established and knowledgable about land/environmental art/art history. This is a fantastic opportunity to work in a large range of media (movement, Bideford Black, stone, charcoal and more) with local artists who's concepts explore our relationship to nature and the environment around us. While you are at the Festival why not visit and take a guided tour around the Richard Long exhibition which is at the Burton Art Gallery? We will also be giving away a copy of Walking the Line signed by Richard Long himself - come along on the day to find out how you can win it!

Facebook Event: www.facebook.com/events/293946970803438

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/Art1nThePark
